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What is a boiler pressure regulator?

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I. What is a pressure regulator valve?

Pressure regulating valve, also known by another familiar name, pressure reducing valve. Is a type of pressure valve that keeps the pressure at the valve’s output at a certain value that the user presets, lower than the input. It helps the production and operation of the system to be stable and safe as well as to have the desired pressure at the output. Using a pressure reducing valve will ensure the safety of every system.

Other name:

Water pressure regulator valve

Pneumatic pressure regulator valve

Hydraulic pressure regulating valve

Valve to regulate water pressure

Pressure stabilizer valve

II. Classification of pressure regulating valves

According to Structure: Direct acting pressure reducing valve and indirect acting pressure reducing valve

According to intended use: Water pressure reducing valve, steam pressure reducing valve, compressed air pressure reducing valve, gas pressure reducing valve….

III. Structure of pressure regulating valve

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